Sorting Through Belongings


One of the toughest challenges that come with moving is going through your belongings and deciding what is going to stay and what is going to go. When sorting your items, keep in mind that it is a chance to get rid of unnecessary clutter and possibly even make some money to help with moving costs.


Throw It Out!

Don’t be afraid to part with items that aren’t sentimental, or don’t serve a purpose. Many people tend to hold onto items in hopes that they will use them at some point. Unfortunately, this is how you create problems when moving and encourage clutter in your new home. Getting rid of unnecessary items makes it easier to pack and makes the job easier for the movers.

Have A Yard Sale

Do you want some extra money to help with moving expenses? Having a yard sale is the perfect way to get that extra money and help you get rid of clutter. Once you have gone through all of your belongings and have sifted out the garbage and items that are too worn or damaged or sell, you should begin advertising your yard sale in your neighborhood. If you are planning to move soon, begin advertising right away and plan your yard sale on a Saturday or a Sunday so more people will be free to come browse.

Donate Your Leftovers

Don’t be tempted to keep your leftover items from the yard sale. Make a plan to donate any items that don’t sell. You can either contact your local donations center to arrange for a pickup, or you can go to your local donation bin or collection center. Let your clutter be a treasure to someone else.

Take Inventory


Once you have eliminated the extra belongings in your home, then you can begin to take careful inventory of all of your items that are going with you. This is important for a number of reasons. When taking inventory, make sure you carefully document everything and keep the list handy.

Take Note Of Delicate Items

If you have antique or delicate items, you may want to speak with your local movers about protocol. You may even decide to pack the items yourself to prevent damage. Ask your team if they are well-versed in handling and packing delicate or antique items. Go over this point before you decide to hire them in case you are unable to do this yourself.

Pack Personal Items Thoughtfully

If may seem easier to just throw things into a box and be done, but this is a bad idea. You want to consolidate your belongings and use as much space in the box as possible without making it too heavy to carry or support the weight inside. If you are packing clothing, you can tightly pack the boxes if they are small. You will spend less money on packing supplies and maximize the amount of items that can fit in the local movers van or truck.

Packing Tips


Packing should be done with great care because it can make the process difficult if you aren’t mindful of how you place and organize your items in boxes and bins. These tips should help point you in the right direction and keep you from creating a difficult task.

Use Quality Boxes

Moving boxes are specially designed to be durable and come in a variety of sizes. When packing your items, you want to use boxes designed for this purpose. You can purchase these types of boxes from your local moving company or retail outlet. If you are packing kitchen items, you want to make sure you keep the weight limit within reason by not using large boxes. If you have light items suck as plastic, you can use a large box, but pans, dishes, and silverware should be packed in small to medium boxes. Always label your boxes when you are finished packing and indicate if anything inside is fragile.

Securing Your Boxes And Bins

Always secure your boxes with tape that is designed for moving. Heavy duty tape placed appropriately will help prevent the box from opening at the bottom and dumping out the contents. Wrap the tape all around the box for extra security, especially if you are packing delicate items such as dishes. If you are using bins, you will want to work with the type that have a lid that closes or clamps securely.

Wrapping Your Belongings And Packing

If you have delicate items to pack, then you are going to want to purchase rolls of thin foam, or bubble wrap. The rolls of foam are easier to work with, and work well for items such as dishes and figurines. If you have very delicate items such as glass and crystal, then you may want to choose bubble wrap and then securely tape the ends. Perhaps you have items that you don’t want to rub against each other, but aren’t necessarily delicate. You can use packing paper that is purchased at the retail store or the moving store. It is usually brown and has the consistency of construction paper.

Once you have wrapped your items, it is time to place them in the box, You should purchase packing cushion or packing peanuts to minimize damage from impacts and jostling during transportation. Put some of the packing material in the box first before placing your items inside. Once you have the first layer in place, carefully place your items neatly, and compactly inside.

After you have filled the box, insert packing material in the remaining spaces. Make sure you can close the box or bin a normal without bulging. Secure the box with tape or lock the lid in place. Keep boxes with delicate items together so you know, or your movers know to handle it with care. You may be able to delegate this task to the moving company if they offer the service.

Protect Your Furniture

If you have sofas and other soft furniture, you may not necessarily be thinking about protecting it, but you should. Couches and other items can be damaged and stained during the moving process if you don’t take precautions. Wrap your sofa in heavy duty plastic and secure it firmly with tape to avoid cuts, scrapes, and stains. Wooden furniture can be dented on the corners and legs. You can also use the roll foam you protect furniture by covering edges and legs, and then secure it with tape. If the furniture is bumped or jostled during transportation it will fare much better.

Decide How To Transport Your Belongings

Once you decide how you are going to pack and accomplish the job, you must consider how you are going to get your items from one place to another. You have a few options.

Friend’s vehicles
Rental truck or van
Professional moving company

Using a friend’s vehicle is dangerous and can lead to issues along the way. You can rent a moving van or truck, but then you have to load the items after you pack them, then drive to the new location and unpack. Renting a vehicle has a variety of costs associated with it including a deposit, rental fee, and gas. You may have to rent the vehicle over the course of a few days. You also will need to acquire assistance to get the job done. The final option, is to hire a moving company. You simply need to arrange to have them come when you need them, and they may even do some packing.

A moving company is trained to move a variety of items, and they are licensed and insured in case anything happens along the way. You can save your back, and not have to worry about tracking down people and vehicles to give you a hand. It is the most logical and safe option.

If you are moving in the near future, you should consider these points of interest and prepare yourself accordingly. A well-planned and executed move can be much less stressful than you might imagine. Create a strategy and decide what you are bringing, what you will get rid of, and how you are going to get your items from one home to the other. You will be settled in and ready to enjoy your new place in no time.